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Why a Great Rep Can Close 9x More Than a Poor Rep, and Even 2.5x More Than a Good Rep


As it turns out, all of these are within your control [link]. — Robby Allen (@_RobbyAllen) February 23, 2021. We’ve talked a lot on SaaStr about great sales professionals, on driving up Revenue Per Lead, on not capping sales comp systems, and on why you need to manage out your worst reps (because leads are precious). What we haven’t done yet is put it all together in a simple, quantitative spreadsheet.

Revenue 362
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Growth Hacking: The 12 Best Techniques to Boost Conversions

The Daily Egg

Neil Patel co-founded Crazy Egg in 2005. 300,000 websites use Crazy Egg to understand what’s working on their website (with features like. The post Growth Hacking: The 12 Best Techniques to Boost Conversions appeared first on The Daily Egg.


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6 Product Led Growth Sessions From SaaStr Annual 2021


As OpenView and many others have documented, Product Led Growth (“PLG”) is one of the dominant themes of the SaaS marketplace today. Unsurprisingly, Product Led Growth was one of the most popular discussion topics at SaaStr Annual 2021. If you missed out on attending SaaStr Annual 2021 – where our outdoor format earned an analogy to the “ Coachella of SaaS ” – or just want to understand PLG better, here are 6 sessions to study: PLG SaaStr Session #1: “Mastermind Masterclass: Beyond P

Scale 360
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The Inflationary Forces in Startupland

Tom Tunguz

Over the last ten years, the 75th percentile post-money valuation of a cloud software or infrastructure company has grown 11% annually. In 2021, the post-money valuation has spiked 60% from $48.1m to $77.0m. While not as hyperbolic an inflation rate as copper or lumber, the price trajectory of early stage cloud startups does result from a similar supply demand/imbalance.

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The AI Superhero Approach to Product Management

Speaker: Conrado Morlan

In this engaging and witty talk, we’ll explore how artificial intelligence can transform the daily tasks of product managers into streamlined, efficient processes. Using the lens of a superhero narrative, we’ll uncover how AI can be the ultimate sidekick, aiding in decision-making, enhancing productivity, and boosting innovation. Attendees will leave with practical tools and actionable insights, motivated to embrace AI and leverage its potential in their work. 🦸 🏢 Key objectives:

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People leave managers, not companies – 4 ways to better support your team

Intercom, Inc.

Across the US, people are quitting their jobs in record numbers. . This year, it’s estimated that approximately one in four people have quit their jobs , and those positions are remaining open for much longer than expected. Countless theories have tried to explain the “Great Resignation” we’re experiencing, but none have managed to pinpoint an exact cause.

More Trending

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Customer Success Metrics That Matter to Investors 


We partnered with Fulcrum Equity Partners to get the inside scoop from investors on which customer success metrics they look for and why.

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A Marketer’s Guide to the Metaverse

Neil Patel

Technology is ever-changing and, because of that, so is marketing. The evolution of the metaverse is just one recent development in the world of technology, but one that will have a huge impact on the human experience as we know it. While digital marketing has seen many advances over the last few decades, the metaverse is one that has stumped many companies and marketers.

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The Future of Work is Not Corporate — It’s DAOs and Crypto Networks

Andreessen Horowitz

In the future, it’s likely that the average person will not work for a company. Instead, people will earn income in non-traditional ways by taking actions such as playing games, learning new skills, creating art, or curating content. This kind of shift in how we work is not unusual or unexpected — the idea that. Read More. The post The Future of Work is Not Corporate — It’s DAOs and Crypto Networks appeared first on Future.

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Copy or Design: What’s More Important to Your Landing Page Success?


If you’re a time-strapped marketer, you probably often ask yourself: “Should I spend more time perfecting the written copy or tweaking the visual design of my landing page?” Designing a landing page can be daunting. If it’s not your area of expertise, making your landing page look the part becomes time-consuming and frustrating—even expensive, particularly if you need a designer to do the heavy lifting for you.

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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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5 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Need a CRM

Nimble - Sales

CRM stands for “Customer Relationship Management” We like to emphasize the word Relationship as the abbreviation seems to make people run for their life. Think of CRM as a tool that stores information about your leads, clients, and other valuable real estate contacts. CRM can also be used to help you keep track of all […]. The post 5 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Need a CRM appeared first on Nimble Blog.

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How to choose the best desktop-as-a-service solution

IT World

Thanks to the pandemic, working from home no longer languishes as a rare option for a few workers. It’s mainstream business practice. Just ask Google, Facebook, Netflix, or the U.S. government: They’re all either delaying office reopenings or shifting to remote or hybrid work. With this work transformation, the desktop is also changing. Decades ago, we used dumb terminals attached to mainframes for corporate work.

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The Complete Guide to Business Startup Costs

The Daily Egg

The top challenge for small business owners is cash flow and the cost of running the business is the second biggest challenge. The post The Complete Guide to Business Startup Costs appeared first on The Daily Egg.

Startup 363
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Yes, You Need to Fundraise 52 Weeks a Year. The 1-and-30 Rule.


“I don’t want to meet [That VC]. I don’t need money now and it’s distracting.” — most founders, post Seed round. …… There’s a superpower some founders have. When they are ready to raise the next round, be in Seed-2, Series A, B, C or whatever … they just send out a few emails, and in a week or so, have a few offers and even term sheets.

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Unlock the Secrets: How These Top SaaS Leaders are Transforming Payments into Profit

Speaker: Speakers: Robin Eissler, BoosteHub & Cory Benn, PracticeSuite

Join us for an exclusive session with Robin Eissler from BoosteHub and Cory Benn from PracticeSuite as they reveal their secrets to leveraging payments within their SaaS platforms. Discover how they seamlessly switched from Stripe to Usio and created more stickiness by offering more solutions. Learn how they increased their company valuation by up to 300% and generated over $700,000 in additional revenue.

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Passive Investing in Venture Capital and the Parallels to Public Equities

Tom Tunguz

Passive venture capital investing is a relatively new idea. But it’s transforming the industry. As later stage investors permeate venture capital, they are amassing index funds of startups. If the public equities market is any indication, passive investing is here to stay. In public equities, passive investment funds constitute 54% of total dollars in the market, according to Bloomberg Reseearch.

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8 Key Findings from the First Annual FinOps Tech Stack Efficiency Survey Results

Sage Intacct

Companies are continually striving to improve their performance and it is important to know how you stack up to your peers. As FinOps takes a bigger role in charting the growth of a SaaS company, what are the benchmarks for what to do, and when? Sage Intacct, The SaaS CFO, and RevOps Squared conducted research throughout Summer 2021 to benchmark how recurring revenue companies managed the financial reporting process.

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8 Companies with the Best SaaS Onboarding Experiences

User Pilot

UX or CS teams who are trying to improve their SaaS user onboarding experience often ask us: Which software companies have the best user onboarding experiences? Who can we turn to for some inspiration? The answer isn’t always so straightforward. When it comes to onboarding a new user, the experience must be obsessively aligned with providing that first moment of value. .

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Reducing Product Risk and Removing the MVP Mindset

Casey Accidental

I originally wrote this piece internally at Eventbrite and thought it might be valuable to folks who do not work at Eventbrite as well. Slightly edited to remove Eventbrite jargon. What is the right way to build products? Earlier in my career, I would have told you everything should be AB tested, and that you should build only as little as you need to validate a hypothesis.

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Secure SaaS Success: Embedded Finance as a Competitive Advantage

Speaker: Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms

Join us for an exclusive webinar hosted by Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms, where he’ll explore the significant impact of embedded finance on the software industry! This session is designed to provide you with the strategic insights needed to navigate the future of SaaS successfully, all while gaining a deeper understanding of how these trends can enhance your competitive edge, boost revenue, and deepen customer loyalty.

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The Ultimate Guide to Bing SEO

Neil Patel

When we talk about SEO, Google comes to mind for most search engine marketers. It makes sense. If you can please the search giant, other search engines will follow along and send traffic to your website. Right? Most marketers don’t consider Bing (the second most used search engine) a lucrative channel, but it can be if you’ve optimized your site for Bing SEO. .

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DAOs, A Canon

Andreessen Horowitz

What is (and isn’t) a DAO? Why do DAOs matter? How do DAOs fit into web3, crypto, the creator economy, future of work, and many other areas? Inspired by our NFT Canon earlier this year (and original Crypto Canon), we’ve culled the below list of resources for those seeking to understand, build, and otherwise get. Read More. The post DAOs, A Canon appeared first on Future.

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3 Simple Landing Page Tweaks to Help Boost Your Sales


You know the drill: You build a quick landing page and start promoting it. . The leads start rolling in, but there’s a problem: None of ’em are turning into paying customers. They’re just sitting there, waiting. Sounds familiar? You’re not alone. Too many businesses throw quick landing pages together, thinking only about the immediate next step (say, generating leads).

Sales 145
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Why Marketers Love Using Nimble

Nimble - Sales

In the world today, with the technology and access that we have through the internet, there is a wealth of information available to marketers. Depending on the size of your company or marketing team, the sheer size of the potential data can be staggering. This is where Nimble CRM comes in handy. A CRM can consolidate […]. The post Why Marketers Love Using Nimble appeared first on Nimble Blog.

Marketing 145
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Solving the Payments Puzzle: What SaaS Pros Need to Know

From emerging payment technologies to the importance of intuitive software design, the world of embedded payments is rapidly evolving. How do you stay ahead while serving up what merchants really want in your software offerings? The Merchant Insider report is here to help, offering unique insights into the merchant perspective. It analyzes responses from over 500 merchants in the U.S. and spans key industries, so you can understand the challenges, preferences, and expectations that are shaping s

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Fast forward: What's coming in future Chrome updates?

IT World

When Chrome changes, people pay attention — not only because Chrome is the world's most popular browser, but also because its underlying technologies, and the decisions that go into making those technologies, power a host of rivals, notably Microsoft's Edge. Each Chrome upgrade is accompanied by enterprise-centric release notes that highlight some of the additions, deletions, enhancements, and modifications slated for the future.

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What is the Customer Journey and Why Do You Need to Create One?

The Daily Egg

Do you know what a customer journey is and why you need one? A customer journey is a story about understanding your users, how they behave while they visit your website, and what you can do to improve their trip, so they keep coming back. Nowadays all we seem to hear in B2B and B2C […]. The post What is the Customer Journey and Why Do You Need to Create One?

B2C 363
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The Top SaaS Companies Have An Average of ~350 Integrations


Your API. If you are a B2D company, it’s your product itself, your API. But for most B2B companies, your API, your partner programs, and the like are extensions. Not your core product, but an important layer for improving customer experience. But how much effort should you put into your partner programs and external APIs — and when? Personally, I’m highly biased to as early as possible.

SaaS 363
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Website Migration Made Easy


Running a website demands your undivided attention. To ensure its success, consider updating the content regularly and providing relevant (and factual) information to visitors. Keeping up with site maintenance can be daunting, so choosing the right CMS platform that provides you with an accessible toolbar to reduce your efforts is crucial for successful management. […].

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Consumer Subscribers: The Top 5 Ways to Monetize

Learn effective Consumer subscriber monetization strategies with iolo’s guide. Designed for consumer product managers, discover actionable insights and practical tips on upselling premium features to your consumer customers, and more. Sharpen your monetization tactics and unlock new revenue streams. Download your copy and start expanding your business today!