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Why Your Startup Needs a Fractional CTO – TechEmpower

TechEmpower SaaS

A Fractional CTO bridges the gap between founders and developers to help keep your tech strategy aligned with your business goals. This helps your startup stay agile and competitive in a fast-paced marketplace.

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Startup CTO or Developer

TechEmpower SaaS

What does it mean to be a CTO for a startup? Should a startup CTO spend their time programming? The role of a CTO varies as the company matures. Here’s a graphic from Socal CTO that illustrates the roles as they change over time: In its earliest days, a startup’s top need is often to produce a product.

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Fractional CTO Services Explained

Valerian Tech

The role of a Fractional Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is to provide technical expertise and leadership to a company on a part-time or temporary basis. This can be a useful option for startups or small businesses that may not have the resources to hire a full-time CTO or may not need one on a permanent basis.

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When is the Right Time to Hire a Fractional CTO?

Valerian Tech

It can be beneficial to hire a fractional CTO (Chief Technology Officer) in a variety of situations. When you don't have an in-house technology leader: If you don't have a CTO or a similar technology leader on your team, a fractional CTO can fill that role.

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Why Your Company Needs a Fractional CTO

Valerian Tech

There are many benefits to hiring a fractional CTO, also known as a part-time or interim CTO. A fractional CTO can bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to your organization without the added expense of a full-time executive.

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Top 10 GTM Mistakes Founders Make Again … and Again with SaaStr’s Jason Lemkin 


They hire a VP of Sales who doesn’t want to sell or learn the product. You also don’t want to hire a VP of Sales who won’t carry a bag. If you joined a startup at $2M and wanted to get to $6M with reps doing $400k, that VP of Sales would need to hire ten reps. 90% of the time, sales falls when a founder steps out of it.

CTO Hire 198
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Using Generative AI to Drive Corporate Impact

TechEmpower SaaS

It can be used to quickly scan and shortlist resumes, reducing the time and resources spent on the initial stages of the recruitment process. This not only speeds up hiring but also lowers the costs associated with lengthy recruitment cycles. cto , infotech , innovation , product , project , saas