Sat.May 18, 2024 - Fri.May 24, 2024

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Unearned Revenue: What it is and What it Means for Subscription Businesses


When can revenue NOT be counted as revenue? If this question is confusing, you’re not alone. The concept of unearned revenue can easily trip up SaaS companies that offer subscription services and products on a recurring basis. Unlike when selling ordinary products, you cannot recognize the revenue earned from a subscription all at once. Although your business has received payment, this cannot be credited to your bottom line until delivery of the product is completed.

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8 Customer Lifecycle Management Best Practices

User Pilot

Following customer lifecycle management best practices can lead your company to retain more users and increase customer lifetime value. But what are these best practices and how can you implement them? Let’s explore customer lifecycle management (CLM), its phases, and the best practices you can apply in SaaS without coding! TL;DR Customer lifecycle management (CLM) is a strategic approach for tracking, analyzing, and optimizing customer interactions throughout their entire relationship with your


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The Future of Content Success Is Social

The Moz Blog

What good is winning the algorithm if you’ve lost the human? What would happen if you were OK with sacrificing a high ranking to get more people to thank you for how much you educated them? In this article, discover Wil’s two new approaches to SEO and content using social media.

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The Power of Authenticity in Sales with Fred Diamond

Predictable Revenue

Collin and Fred shared how an unusual path involving his battle with Lyme disease made him a better sales leader. The post The Power of Authenticity in Sales with Fred Diamond appeared first on Predictable Revenue.

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Merchant Insider Report: Payment Insights for Software Leaders

From emerging payment technologies to the importance of intuitive software design, the world of embedded payments is rapidly evolving. How do you stay ahead while serving up what merchants really want in your software offerings? The Merchant Insider report is here to help, offering unique insights into the merchant perspective. It analyzes responses from over 500 merchants in the U.S. and spans key industries, so you can understand the challenges, preferences, and expectations that are shaping s

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Doubling Down: Karl Alomar, Managing Partner at M13


“Doubling Down” is a new series where we hear from top B2B SaaS investors on their most recent activities and takes on the current market. We had a great one last time with Andrew Steele, Partner at Activant Capital. Check that out here. This week we’re focusing on Karl Alomar, Managing Partner at M13! #1. What’s your most recent disclosed investment?

More Trending

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These People Aren’t Gods: How European Founders Can Stop Making The #1 Mistake in US Recruiting


“When you read their profiles and interview them, you think one thing: these people are gods.” — European founder on early US hiring. Despite numerous warnings , I continue to see many European founders fall into the same trap when it comes to hiring in the first years of their US expansion. Sadly, it feels like one of those lessons you can only learn from experience.

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Vendor negotiation strategies: Renew contracts like a pro


Contract negotiations are like salsa, it takes two to tango. Be it renewals or new contracts, there must be collaboration and coordination between both parties to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. And for the odds to be in your favor, you must be skilled in negotiating contracts with vendors. Effective vendor negotiations prioritize collaboration over coercion.

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Best Practices for a Seamless Billing System Migration


Selecting a new billing system can feel like running ten miles in a marathon only to find 32 more miles to go. You’ll reach the finish line only when you nail the implementation, migration, and onboarding. An unplanned migration process can lead to data duplication, inaccurate revenue reporting, and business downtime – all affecting the incredible subscriber experience you want to deliver to your customers.

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Data Science as a Growth Lever for SaaS Businesses


If you’re like most SaaS companies we interact with, you wish you had a crystal ball that could show you exactly what your customers want and how to keep them coming back for more. What if we told you that SaaS data science can provide that crystal ball for you?

Data 59
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The Top 5 Ways to Monetize Your Subscriber Base

Grow your revenue with iolo’s comprehensive guide designed for senior business leaders. Discover effective methods to deliver premium features and monetize your subscriber base for maximum profitability. Gain practical insights and learn new approaches to drive sustainable growth in your business. Download your copy and start expanding your business today!

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Emergence: Top Quartile Startups Are Still Growing 100% at $10m in ARR


So Emergence Capital put together a great report here on B2B startups, “Beyond Benchmarks 2024” , with a ton of great data across 664 software startups. One piece I loved is how 2023 growth rates compared to 2022 for Top Quartile Software Startups. Now to be clear, and I know this is a bit brutal — “Top Quartile” isn’t in general enough to get funded by VCs.

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Chatting With Her - The ChatGPT App on Mac

Tom Tunguz

For the past few days, I’ve been using the Mac ChatGPT app OpenAI demonstrated last Monday. It’s unquestionably the future of human-computer interaction. Conversing with a computer is much more natural than typing. Imagine speaking t a colleague with the entire internet at their disposal. But also a verbose colleague without much sense of social cues.

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Clouded Judgement 5.24.24 - Software Environment Remains Strained

Clouded Judgement

Every week I’ll provide updates on the latest trends in cloud software companies. Follow along to stay up to date! Subscribe now First Look at April Quarters Heading in to this week, software earnings have not been good. This week, we got a first look at companies reporting with April quarter ends (so we got the benefit of one incremental month of data).

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What is the Best Payment Gateway for My SaaS or ISV?


Choosing the right payment gateway is a crucial decision for any SaaS (Software as a Service) business or ISV. This decision impacts your cash flow, user experience, and even your company’s reputation. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which payment gateway best suits your needs. Today, we’ll dive into why Usio is a top contender and why it might be the best payment gateway for your SaaS or ISV.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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Every Top Founder Ever: “I Should Have Acted on Bad Trends Earlier”


So there are times in startup life when it seems like a wave is just overpowering you, that there is only so much you can do. And so many times, you may quietly feel limited by the team you have. There’s only so much you can do, just so quickly. So many times you’ll default, partially, to Doing Nothing. For now. This works better at Bigger Companies, where real change is often measured in 5+ year chunks.

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The American Dynamism Engineering Fellows Program

Andreessen Horowitz

We believe the most successful American Dynamism companies share a few common characteristics: They’re able to anticipate technological turning points and breakthroughs. They identify, recruit, and empower the world’s best engineers by giving them insanely hard, cross-disciplinary problems to own. They continuously push the limits of what’s possible with technology, and innovate quickly through both success and failure.

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8 Best A/B Testing Software for Product Growth

User Pilot

A/B tests play a crucial role in driving product adoption, which makes it important to choose the right A/B testing software to run them. It can help you dig deeper into user behavior and understand what resonates with them. Also, you can make evidence-based decisions to improve user retention and engagement. In this blog, we’ll handpick a few A/B testing tools worth your attention.

Software 105
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March Core Update & Spam Updates: Four Major Trends

The Moz Blog

Explore the aftermath of Google's March Core Update and Spam Updates and uncover four major trends shaping the search landscape.

Trends 111
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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.

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The Official, Unofficial and Rogue SaaStr Europa 2024 Parties


We’re almost there!! SaaStr Europa 2024 !! And half the fun is meeting new work friends and colleagues. We’ll do 100s and 100s of braindates, roundtables and more at the venue, but parties after are another great chance to meet new friends. A current list: June 3 : VIP Opening Reception at Il Bacino Across The Street From The Venue This is a great outdoor venue literally across the street from the venue.

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Open Models (w/ Arthur Mensch) and Video Models (w/ Stefano Ermon)

Andreessen Horowitz

For this episode, we’ve stitched together two archived episodes from the a16z Podcast , both featuring General Partner Anjney Midha. In the first half, from December, he speaks with Mistral cofounder and CEO Arthur Mensch about the importance of open foundation models, as well as Mistral’s approach to building them. In the second half (at 34:40), from February, he speaks with Stanford’s Stefano Ermon about the state of the art in video models, including how OpenAI’s Sora

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12 Different Types of Customer Support For SaaS Companies

User Pilot

Customers aren't all the same, so you need different types of customer support to address the needs of different kinds of customers. Some may call you when in trouble, while others want to fix it without interacting with you. As a result, you need variety in your customer service solutions to properly assist each customer. This article explores 12 of the most important customer support types and how to approach them to consistently deliver outstanding customer experiences.

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The Top SERP Features in 2024 — Whiteboard Friday

The Moz Blog

In this Whiteboard Friday, Tom takes us through the top SERP features of 2024 by both presence and Share of Voice.

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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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How Much Does “Profitability” Matter in SaaS Today? Let’s Compare HubSpot, Veeva and DropBox. All Are At $2.5 Billion in ARR.


So the #2 topic in SaaS today is probably profitability and efficiency. #1 is AI. But profitability is a close second. And the message to founders is confusing. Yes, everyone has to be at least 2x as efficient as 2021, maybe more so. But … that’s not enough. You still have to grow. So what’s the trade-off? I pulled up 3 recent examples from the SaaStr 5 Interesting Learning series, and interestingly, all 3 are at ~$2.5B ARR: SMB leader HubSpot Enterprise vertical SaaS lea

SMB 256
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Open Sourcing the Superchain (with Optimism)

Andreessen Horowitz

Optimism's Jing Wang discusses open source foundation stewardship, crypto superchain scaling, and more on web3 with a16z podcast.

Scaling 92
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17 UX Design Principles to Follow for Creating a Great User Experience

User Pilot

Functionality is a must when it comes to attracting customers, but it’s user experience that helps you retain them. Wondering how to create an outstanding user experience ? Read this article to discover 17 UX design principles to drive customer satisfaction and loyalty. Let’s dive right in! TL;DR UX design identifies user needs, wants, and pain points and creates engaging products that enable them to achieve their goals.

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7 Simple Strategies for Maximizing Customer Acquisition

Groove HQ

The barrier to entry is lowering for many industries, and competition is growing on every corner. Amid so much noise, it’s becoming harder to perform customer acquisition efficiently. Fortunately, you’re not limited to just one marketing channel. There are many options for expanding your business, even if budget or time is short (or both!).

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SaaS: How They’re Turning Payments Into Profit Centers

Discover how top SaaS companies are earning up to $700k + and zero upfront cost with Usio Integrated Payments.

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What Makes a Great VP of Marketing in SaaS: A Deep Dive with Jason and Dave Gerhardt, ex-VPM of Drift


Dave Gerhardt was VP Marketing at Drift, acquired for $1B, and then Privy, acquired for $100m, and now runs a great CMO/VPM community called Exit Five. Dave is OG SaaStr from the beginning, so we were able to have a pretty epic deep dive on marketing today, both at a senior level and a deep dive on content marketing as well: Why marketing should almost never report to sales The critical size of marketing teams today How to do content marketing well, and see real ROI from it How to make sure you

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Intersection of Biotech x High Tech with Vineeta Agarwala

Andreessen Horowitz

Vineeta Agarwala, MD, PhD, joins Luke Timmerman’s The Long Run podcast on stage at the Life Science Innovation Northwest Conference. They discuss everything from AI for drug discovery to Vineeta’s ongoing clinical work as a physician and how that influences her perspective.

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How to Improve Customer Retention: 20 Actionable Strategies

User Pilot

Wondering how to improve customer retention? If so, we’ve got your back! The article shares 20 actionable customer retention strategies for your SaaS! You will also learn how to implement them with Userpilot! TL;DR Customer retention is your ability to keep users using the product. Without retention, a SaaS business doesn’t have a predictable revenue stream necessary for growth.

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