Why We Should Be Optimistic About the Future

Marc Andreessen and Kevin Kelly

Many skeptics thought the internet would never reach mass adoption, but today it’s shaping global culture, is integral to our lives — and it’s just the beginning. In this conversation from our 2019 innovation summit, Kevin Kelly (Founding Executive Editor, WIRED magazine) and Marc Andreessen sit down to discuss the evolution of technology, key trends, and why they’re the most optimistic people in the room.


Discussion on closing the digital divide [3:00]

The many possibilities of voice technology as an interface [9:59]

Moore’s Law vs. Eroom’s law [14:14]

Looking at 5G technology as the next global driver [20:38]

New models for VC and company models [27:05]

How long-term thinking can be applied in Silicon Valley [29:53]

Measuring prosperity on a global scale [34:00]

The potential impact of cyber technology on global conflict [38:45]

A foundation for optimism [41:05]

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