Jan 18, 2023

Read Time 3 min

Five things Customer Success professionals want in their next position


This is a guest article by Swati Garg, founder and CEO, Melo Associates, and Lindsay Lynch, senior recruitment consultant, Melo Associates, a recruitment firm focused on Customer Success hiring for SaaS and tech companies nationwide.

As a Customer Success recruiting firm, we speak with active and passive job seekers all day, every day. Through our candidate outreach and interactions, we acquire lots of qualitative information about why people are looking to leave their current employer and what makes them stay.

Here are the top five things Customer Success professionals want in their next role.

1. Remote-work flexibility

A major positive after facing a global pandemic is the ability to work remote or have a hybrid work type. Employees value flexibility and the majority of Customer Success professionals we speak with are looking for opportunities that offer remote or hybrid options, with less travel associated.

Whether it’s an employee’s ability to cut out a long commute, pick up their kids from school, add an exercise routine, or increase their productivity due to the environment, working remotely offers many physical and mental health benefits for professionals.

In addition, a huge benefit of this flexibility is the opportunity to expand geographic locations. Now, professionals can work for companies that aren’t based in their area without relocating. This immediately lifts physical boundaries and provides professionals the opportunities to pursue their dream roles and sought-after companies without uprooting their families and personal lives.

2. Clear and structured career paths for advancement

A question we ask in the first conversation with every candidate is “Why are you open to a new opportunity?” Career growth is the no. 1 reason we hear.

Whether that means increasing upward career mobility, gaining additional responsibilities, or learning new skills, candidates are looking for a path or trajectory that allows them to continue to grow within a company. Knowing an employer is investing in their employees for development and continued learning opportunities is a significant plus in today’s market.

3. A culture of recognition

Candidates seek out a workplace culture that makes them feel valued and shows that their contributions make a difference. Culture has been used as a buzzword in recent years, but workplace culture and environment deeply matter. When an employee spends a majority of their life at work, it is important they feel appreciated, respected and that their contributions are celebrated.

In fact, according to Indeed, “Employees who feel valued at work are often happier, more productive and less likely to look for other employment opportunities. There are many ways to show employees how much you value them—from recognition programs and financial incentives to simple gestures, like listening and taking action on employee feedback.” Recognition programs help build a credible employer brand and increase employee retention.

4. Competitive compensation

Offering a competitive compensation package has never been more important to attract and retain strong talent. Taking a decrease in pay for a new opportunity is not an option for many candidates. On the other hand, candidates are willing to make a lateral move or accept a potential pay cut when they are gaining new experience in a different industry or a new skill, there is a clear growth path, the opportunity is remote or more flexible than a current employer, or the overall package is better suited to their personal and professional needs.

5. A strong product offering

Legendary singer Tony Bennett said, “If you follow your passion, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Customer Success professionals find career purpose in helping others; it’s in their nature. To maintain their work values and sense of self, they want to be confident in a product’s ability to support customers and make a business impact. Their trust in the product can even correlate to their performance. Employees are more successful when they believe their company’s product serves a real market need. Get potential candidates excited by showing them how your product solves a problem—through customer testimonials, feedback, and product usage metrics—instead of just telling them it’s valuable.

What Customer Success hiring trends are coming down the pike in 2023?

Whether you’re a job seeker or an employer, knowing how to navigate the job market will help you land that next offer or candidate faster, and with less stress. Learn what big shifts and opportunities to look out for this year in our article, “Five hiring trends for Customer Success professionals to know in 2023.”

If you’d like to continue the conversation about Customer Success hiring and retention, please reach out to Swati Garg, founder and CEO of Melo Associates, or Lindsay Lynch, senior recruitment consultant at Melo Associates.


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