Jan 5, 2021

Read Time 3 min

10 Customer Success Blogs to Bookmark and Start Reading Today


customer success blog recommendations

Over the last few years, we’ve seen a lot of growth in the Customer Success space, which means there’s now even more content out there on the web for you to research, consume and rely on. You can see this is the case by taking a look at the Google search trends for “Customer Success” and “Customer Experience” over time.

interest in customer success

(Numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and time period. A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term. A value of 50 means that the term is half as popular.)

If you’re eager to learn more about the Customer Success space too, we’ve compiled a list of industry blogs you should follow and bookmark that can help provide you with all the insights, strategies and guidance you need.

Must-Read Customer Success Blogs

  1. The Success League Blog

The Success League works with executives who are looking to build and develop a top performing Customer Success team and they have a lot of advice to provide on how to plan, scale and train teams.

Recommended read: Intangible Skills to Look For in Your Next CSM Hire

  1. ESG Blog

ESG delivers Customer Success as a Service® (CSaaS), and enables teams to build, operationalize and transform their CS organization. With their consulting expertise they have a lot of advice to offer on how to improve metrics and accomplish your ultimate goal of reducing churn and increased retention.

Recommended read: Top 5 Dos and Don’ts of Digital Customer Success

  1. Tri Tuns Blog

Tri Tuns, is a Customer Success and software adoption consulting firm and they have a lot of practical advice to give to help accelerate product adoption and change management practices.

Recommended read: Increase Customer Success with Equivalent Metrics

  1. TSIA Blog

TSIA (Technology & Services Industry Association) is a research and advisory firm that helps technology companies achieve profitable growth and they provide expert advice on how to solve top business challenges.

Recommended read: How to Improve Customer Success Manager Status Updates

  1. SuccessCOACHING Blog

SuccessCOACHING helps CSMs and Customer Success teams understand best practices and gives practical advice on how to apply them to resolve real, everyday challenges CS professionals face as they work with their customers.

Recommended read: A CSM’s Guide to Active Listening Skills

  1. Higher Logic Blog

Higher Logic is an engagement platform provider and they share advice on how to grow a community and drive customer engagement along each stage of the customer lifecycle.

Recommended read: How to Give Your Customer Success Team Superpowers

  1. CSM Practice Blog

CSM Practice is a Customer Success consulting firm that offers advice on customer-centric methodologies to optimize operations and improve productivity.

Recommended read: Proactive Customer Expansion Strategies

  1. HubSpot Service Blog

The HubSpot Customer Service blog is dedicated to helping transform today’s CS organizations help their customers more effectively.

Recommended Read: 5 SaaS Onboarding Best Practices to Ensure Your Customers’ Success

  1. inSided Blog

inSided is a Customer Success Community provider that shares advice on how to turn customer conversations into value and how to always put the customer first.

Recommended read: “Measuring” Customer Success: Where to Start

  1. DesiredPath Blog

DesiredPath offers advice on how to achieve smarter, faster revenue growth by taking a look at your most successful customers.

Recommended read: Customer Expansion and Upselling in the Current Market


Bonus: ChurnZero Fighting Churn Blog

We would be remiss if we didn’t also encourage you to bookmark and regularly visit our blog full of Customer Success ideas, inspiration and news. Sign up for our newsletter to be sure never to miss our latest articles.

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