Jun 8, 2022

Read Time 3 min

Let’s share data, not software logins.


A typical company, ours included, buys 50 to 70 SaaS products. The most important ones run departments, determine workflows, and generate the important data that makes a business go.

I am certain that we run ChurnZero’s business using data from no less than two dozen SaaS products: Customer Success platform, CRM, marketing automation, support, finance, HR and more. These platforms are critical to the company—but please kill me if you want me to log in to them all.

Let’s share data, not software logins.

Some companies offer logins to anyone and everyone as a benefit. But unless you are a company-wide tool like Slack or Microsoft or Google, this is a not a benefit.

Our customers’ ChurnZero data makes their whole business tick, not just their Customer Success team. It helps their product team address customer needs. It lets their sales team target prospects who fit. Support uses it to troubleshoot seamlessly. Finance can forecast renewals better.

Can your CS platform give your peers the right data, right now, or do they just get a login?

Beware unlimited access for departmental products

A modern, customer-centric company uses platforms that put the data everywhere it needs to be.

If your company is considering any departmental platform, but specifically a CS platform, offering unlimited access as a benefit, be suspicious. It is likely hiding a lack of good data sharing and integrations. Unlimited access is a lazy way to get around this shortcoming, and puts the onus on the individual to do the actual work.

ChurnZero understood this early. As CEO, I definitely don’t want every SaaS login. In fact, I look askew at anyone CxO who offers that to me. I want the metrics where I am, when I need them. So does the CFO, the head of product, the customer support rep. So do you.

You don’t have time to go into Salesforce to get customer information, or Zendesk for the latest support tickets, nor do you have time to learn the new finance system to get updated numbers.

The best and modern approach to data sharing

Customer data must be shared everywhere within the business—and with modern SaaS, it can be. To a CEO like me, the right approach looks like this:

Your sales team sees it in the CRM. ChurnZero integrates bi-directionally with CRMs including Salesforce and Hubspot.

Your support team has it in Zendesk. Equip them with access to key customer details like health and usage data for a seamless customer experience with faster resolutions.

Your spreadsheet has the latest numbers. ChurnZero updates your Excel 365 or Gsuite sheets automatically.

When things happen, you know. Real-time email or chat alerts keep you up to speed.

Get a dashboard if you need it. Give your CS team the specs and let them send you a custom KPI dashboard.

Works seamlessly with your data system. If we don’t integrate with your platform natively, just use our REST API. ChurnZero integrates your customer data directly into powerful tools such as Tableau, Power BI, and Microsoft Excel.

It takes a lot of work, but it’s our work, not yours. If you pick a different platform that doesn’t share this philosophy, it’s on your colleagues to do the work instead.

Find out more about ChurnZero’s approach to Customer Success data sharing here. 


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