Dec 27, 2022

Read Time 4 min

ChurnZero’s greatest hits of 2022


Throughout the year, the ChurnZero team has shared content that explores so many different aspects of Customer Success, from career growth strategies and team management frameworks to retention tactics and industry benchmarks.

We also released a number of new product features that got our customers fired up about working with their customers, company, and leadership in new ways that help them show off the value of CS and deliver the best possible customer experience.

To help you sift through it all, we’ve put together a greatest-hits compilation of our most popular content and product releases of 2022. Give it a spin.

Top ten Customer Success resources of 2022

1/ How to transition customers to a new CSM

Shifting a CSM’s book of business is a delicate balancing act, and one of the most challenging CS processes to get right. Use these four steps from ChurnZero Manager of CS, Bri Adams, to ace it.

2/ 7 tips from the C-suite for future Customer Success leaders

If you’re a young leader eyeing a place in the C-suite through a CS career, ChurnZero’s CPO (and former CCO), Abby Hammer, offers a few words of advice from her own non-linear career path.

3/ Mythbuster: Customer Success Manager coverage ratio

Have you heard that there should be one CSM for every $1 million to $2 million of ARR? Learn why this benchmark gets CS leaders into trouble and the case for switching to a bottom-up approach for capacity planning.

4/ Got self-doubt? How to silence imposter syndrome in Customer Success

CS is a growing and changing discipline. Its newness makes it a field of tremendous opportunity and growth…and the perfect breeding ground for impostor syndrome. As a CS executive who has dealt with this phenomenon firsthand, Sharon Winterton, shares three steps to shut down your own inner critic.

5/ 2022 Customer Success leadership study

Based on a detailed survey of more than 1,000 CS leaders, this is the most comprehensive study of the evolving CS landscape to date. One major trend that surfaced: CS departments remain underfunded, especially when it comes to their tech stack. Find out how your CS team’s budget, size, and strategy compare against your peers, and if you, too, have grounds to ask your leadership team for more.

6/ How to transform Customer Success into a profit center with metrics and forecasting

When people think of top-line growth, they often think of sales. But CS? Not so much. Learn how to emphasize the financial value of your CS team by choosing the right metrics.

7/ In a downturn, focus on existing customers — not potential ones

Is your CS team experiencing panic churn? Learn the retention strategies ChurnZero’s most resilient customers use—and how you can apply them too.

8/ How to make customer support your lead generation goldmine

Disclaimer: This strategy won’t work for every company. But if you’re in a subscription business that gives customers the flexibility to upgrade, it’s worth considering the untapped expansion potential of your support peers.

9/ Five tech-touch Customer Success tactics that ChurnZero makes easy

Is your headcount staying flat next year? Learn how tech-touch tactics can help increase your CS teams’ capacity for strategic work by automating the monotony that is sending emails, setting reminders, updating fields, and more.

10/ BIG RYG 2022 keynote sessions

Didn’t get to attend BIG RYG, ChurnZero’s Customer Success Leadership Summit, this year? We’ve got keynote session recordings for the win! Learn how one CS leader blazed an unconventional trail to CEO, the five most controversial topics in CS (Is NPS a CS metric? Are QBRs dead?), and what the future holds for this fast-growing industry.

Top five ChurnZero product releases of 2022

1/ Reimagining customer collaboration with Success Centers

Imagine this: a single customer-facing, interactive hub that houses everything your customer cares about and needs to know to be successful. We’re talking training videos, to-do lists, FAQs, contact details and reporting, feature updates, special events, milestone celebrations—all the things that get scattered across email threads, help desks, chat, your product, and Google docs. You get the idea.

If you’ve ever had customers ask if you can resend an email (again) or get frustrated when they have to go on a scavenger hunt to find a resource, then Success Centers were made for you. Success Centers remove the friction from customer interactions and cultivate better transparency, accountability, collaboration, and trust.

*Success Centers are part of ChurnZero’s Enterprise and Professional Editions.

2/ Transforming CS teams into data-driven powerhouses with Success Insights

You have a mountain of customer data. So much, in fact, that it’s hard to distinguish what matters from what doesn’t, the blips from the steady trends. That kind of data analysis, when spread across your entire customer base, takes time and resources and preferably a computer brain.

Intro: Success Insights. Powered by machine learning, Success Insights uses your existing customer data to uncover events that correlate with churn and then categorizes your active accounts by the levels of risk identified. With efficient and reliable risk analysis at your fingertips, your CS team will have the confidence to control the success narrative.

*Success Insights is part of ChurnZero’s Enterprise Edition.

3/ Setting boundaries with Secure Access Management (SAM)

Configure stronger and more specific user permissions to keep your CS team focused. With Secure Access Management (SAM), you have the control to limit users to only the accounts and contacts associated with their domain or ownership status. Eliminate the risk of accidental changthe es to account data by others and keep CSMs zeroed in on their specific book of business.

4/ Manage tasks and collaborate directly out of Slack and Microsoft Teams

Routinely share impactful customer insights with the ability to search and post any ChurnZero Custom Dashboard directly on Slack or Teams, bringing the data to where the work happens. Additionally, enjoy the convenience of creating tasks and logging activities for accounts and contacts with Slack commands, so you can capture details in the moment.

5/ Ushering in a bold new look with ChurnZero’s UI refresh

The ChurnZero platform got a major UI update that channels modern, minimalistic, and powerful energy. Instead of writing about it, we’ll let this screenshot of an events dashboard speak for itself. Have you ever seen such a good-looking line chart?

Screenshot of Event Reporting in ChurnZero

Want more of our most popular Customer Success content?

Our 2022 webinar program featured an incredible lineup of speakers who covered a wide gamut of CS topics, from a nuanced look at SaaS metrics to CSM career pathing. See what resonated most with our audience in our webinar roundup,  “The top five Customer Success webinars of 2022 from ChurnZero.”


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