Perhaps the simplest, most effective way to get in front of 100,000+ SaaS and Cloud professionals is to sponsor one or more of the SaaStr digital assets.  Our SaaStr Annual and Europa events are amazing ways to get in front of 1,000s of execs IRL, but they also are a fair amount of work to sponosr and only take place twice a year;)

So year-round, the #1 best way to reach Cloud and SaaS leaders are SaaStr digital assets.  The three core ways to reach our base:

The #1 Podcast in SaaS!  

The SaaStr Podcast is closing in on 700 (!) episodes and features an incredible mix of CEOs, founders, VCs and more.  The podcast reaches over 100,000+ and a 3+ month run of ads will get you mass exposure.   You have a captive audience by advertising on the pod.  I would take this in a heartbeat.

The SaaStr Daily and Weekly

Our Daily and Weekly newsletters have been running for years and reach 120,000 high-quality SaaS and Cloud execs.  If you have a direct CTA to promote, these assets are greatThe Daily goes out to 80,000+ three times a week, and the Weekly goes to 100,000+ 4 times a month. The Daily is great if you want to maximize exposure over 90 days, the Weekly is great if you want to hit the most folks all at once with the highest open rates.

The SaaStr Insider

The SaaStr Insider is our under-the-radar newsletter on LinkedIn that goes to 42,000 SaaS and Cloud professionals.  The ad units are massive, and we see some of the highest conversions here as a result.

Integrated Media + Events Sponsorships

We also have exciting ways to integrate media together with an Annual and/or Europa sponsorship.  Almost 40% of our partners and sponsors tie them together.

Advertise and Partner with SaaStr!!  Reach the Best, The Quickest.  

Contact us here.  We can also help tailor these assets and pick the rights ones to meet your goals.  (A small note: we only do 3-month commitments for new sponsors to ensure maximum success.)

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