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Hello! We’re growing at Baremetrics

by Lindsey Rogerson. Last updated on June 07, 2024

You may have noticed some exciting things happening here at Baremetrics. If you’ve seen our recent articles on AWS migration, the updated stripe integration, and the acquisition of Forecast+, it will be no surprise that our team is getting pretty busy! 

Baremetrics has hired several new teammates to ensure that we’re meeting our customer's needs on time.

Bringing value to our customers is our number one priority, and our incredible teammates are the key to ensuring that we do so. We’ve added people to every Baremetrics department, and quickly! 

We’re excited to introduce everyone and share the details of our growing team. If you ever need anything, reach out to us, and we’ll be ready to chat!  

Make more with Baremetrics

Our philosophy has always been to make our customers make more. Just look at the Baremetrics dashboard and the Open Startups project to see how we try to empower founders with financial transparency.

We started as an analytics company, but are evolving into a company that enables users to ‘make more’.

Whether we are sharing regular learnings through Business Academy, helping users understand new metrics, or improving our uptime and load speeds, ‘make our customers make more’ is always in our minds.

That couldn’t be truer as we hire new staff members who provide the resources to give our users that value.

Here are the teams we want to introduce you to:

Onboarding Specialists

We’ve developed a team of 4 onboarding specialists. These are the guys on the front lines, helping new businesses connect their data and distill the insights that actually benefit them. They offer inbound support, so if you have a question you need help with, let one of our onboarding specialists know at

Success Team

While inbound support is important, our success team is designed to support our existing customers proactively. 

They notice the areas where customers can be making more money, provide feedback, and highlight features that users may not be utilizing to their full potential, like data augmentation, segmentation, and dashboarding. They aim to help you proactively get ahead of your account instead of reacting to opportunities afterward. After all, 28 metrics is a lot to wrap your business around!

Got a free Baremetrics account? Don’t worry, our success team has got your back too.   

Product Team

Our product team has expanded by a factor of 3!

Here are some of the major initiatives and projects our new team members are working on:

  • Migrating our infrastructure to AWS

  • Updating our Stripe integration to support new features

  • Integrating Forecast+'s advanced forecasting tools

  • Implementation of ‘price testing as a service

  • Updating our Shopify Partners integration to support new features

  • Data accuracy

  • Ongoing Baremetrics updates and fixes

One of our new developers also has a famous pug. So that’s pretty important.

Marketing Team

As our product continues to expand, so does our marketing team. 

Our marketing channels provide us with key insights from both current and new customers, which helps us to grow and learn. The marketing team is also instrumental in helping us share our learnings with other Saas founders and companies.

The more we learn, the more we want to give back.

Here are some projects our new marketers are working on:

  • Sharing our knowledge through regular blog posts on Founders Journey, including this one! (So meta, we know)

  • Fostering our community and engaging in dialogue on our social channels (come hang out with us on Twitter & Facebook)

  • Facilitating our podcast Founder Chats

  • Sending regular newsletters to keep our customers informed, educated and updated

  • Giving back our learnings and lessons on how to grow your startup in Business Academy

  • Attracting new customers is a key part of growing Baremetrics 

Reach out to us!

We’re stoked to have you in our community! If you need anything, contact us at and let us know. Our team is here to help you connect data sources, build dashboards, and make sure you make more from your data. We also appreciate photos of your dogs.

Lindsey Rogerson

Lindsey is the former Marketing Manager for Xenon Partners, where she advised on SaaS growth strategy across several products. Lindsey's passion is great documentation and reporting on brilliant ideas, enabling people to actually act on and communicate about these ideas. Lindsey loves working with the Baremetrics blog because it is here where we can really make this happen.