FastSpring Expands Payments Support with Apple Pay, Pix, Preferred Payment Method, and More

Braden Steel
Braden Steel • Senior Product Marketing Manager
April 16th, 2024
Estimated read time: 2 minutes, 52 seconds

Offering a frictionless checkout experience is essential for digital transaction conversion rates. Today, we’re excited to announce new payment method improvements available on the FastSpring platform: 

  • Apple Pay
  • Pix
  • Preferred Payment Method

Apple Pay: Seamless Transactions Within the Apple Ecosystem

As Apple Pay adoption continues to grow, incorporating Apple Pay into payment options becomes an essential part of your digital strategy. Whether you’re a game developer looking to capture more of the Apple market – and take advantage of the new rules under the Digital Markets Act – or if you’ve been selling on Mac for years, this integration offers a quicker, and more familiar, checkout process for Apple users.

An animated gif of someone making a purchase in FastSpring's checkout with Apple Pay.

Key Benefits of Apple Pay:

  • Open Revenue Channels: With availability on iOS, Safari, Mac, or Chrome for iOS users have the ability to open new revenue streams that were previously unavailable.
  • User-Friendly Payments: Not only is Apple Pay more familiar with buyers in the Apple ecosystem, but making a purchase is as easy as using biometric authorization to authenticate and the transaction can complete.
  • Accelerate Market Penetration: Access the more than 78% of users on iPhone that leverage Apple Pay, in addition to the other segments of the market.

Learn more about Apple Pay here.

Pix: Expand Your Reach in Brazil

Pix, the most popular payment method in Brazil, has revolutionized how transactions are conducted in the region. With more than 153 million individual users, Pix allows users to tap into a new segment of the global market while avoiding cross-border fees.

Image of a user using Pix to make a purchase in Brazil through FastSpring

Key Benefits of Pix:

  • Market Access: Double your customer acquisition with access to the largest payment method in Brazil.
  • Enhanced Localization: Provide a trusted and familiar payment method to users in Brazil and show commitment to the Latin American market.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: Capture more sales with a payment method familiar to millions of buyers in Brazil.

Learn more about Pix in our docs.

Preferred Payment Method: Tailor Your Checkout Experience

Preferred Payment Method empowers sellers to customize the payment experience, presenting options for payment methods that resonate with customers. This approach not only streamlines the checkout process, but also boosts transaction completion rates by reducing the likelihood of cart abandonment because of a missing payment method:

A gif example showing

Key Benefits of Preferred Payment Method:

  • Customization: Users can preselect and display payment options, enhancing the buyers’ experience.
  • Increased Completion Rates: Buyers are more likely to complete their purchase when offered a familiar payment method.
  • Targeted Approach: Gives users the ability to focus on specific regions and payment methods within those regions.

For more details, take a look at our documentation.

Additional New Payment Methods

In addition to the above, FastSpring continues to add improvements to existing payment methods with expansion of PayPal into China and improvements to approval rates in the EU and UK as well as new currencies and regions to be accepted with Amazon Pay later this year. More information can be found at

The introduction of these new features, as well as the improvements mentioned, allow sellers to offer a more personalized and efficient checkout experience, cater to a global audience, and tap into new markets with ease. FastSpring is committed to support users in whatever business strategy they pursue to ensure that they can stay ahead in the competitive digital marketplace.

Interested in learning more about how FastSpring can support your global growth strategy? Schedule some time with our team or sign up for a trial account!

Braden Steel

Braden Steel

Braden is the Senior Product Marketing Manager for FastSpring. When he's not bringing new products to market, he spends his time writing fantasy novels.

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