In this recap from a recent episode of RevShow, Rob and I spoke about the power of a HubSpot video and how it can help you reach your sales goals. This video and blog post is perfect for any type of sales professional that wants to build better relationships and get more conversions. If you would like to view the video in its entirety, go ahead and click on the play button above. I hope you enjoy the conversation!

We all love hugs. They signal our love and affection for each other. This episode of RevShow and blog post isn’t just going to be about any old hug, however. Here, we are going to be speaking about the power of a HubSpot video and how it can give a virtual hug to your prospects, clients, and other members of your audience. 

This speaks to a larger point. HubSpot is the ultimate relationship tool that can help you build strong connections with virtually anyone. Whether you are a first-time HubSpot user or have been using HubSpot for years, I’m sure you would agree with me. And if you haven’t yet used HubSpot? It can be a true game-changer for your business. 

By giving a hug to your HubSpot account, your clients, and yourself, you will get more connections, conversations, and conversions. The great news is that HubSpot is making it extremely easy to do so. Even better, you can give hugs to any type of audience by using Dubb to leverage the power of video. 

So how does this exactly work in practice? In this post, we are going to take a deep dive into HubSpot, Dubb, and how you can use both to supercharge your sales and marketing work. By implementing the tips and advice in this post, I’m confident that you’ll be able to get the most out of HubSpot and Dubb. 

Let’s jump into it. 

HubSpot signup page

HubSpot’s Hug With Its Users

I want to get started by focusing on this idea of a hug. Simply put, a hug makes you feel good. It feels wonderful. Whether it is from a close friend or a member of your family, a hug creates a sense of positivity and belonging. 

HubSpot created a hug of its own. This hug is possible because HubSpot users have groups. Within these groups, HubSpot users can share any kind of thought or idea. It is really all about coming together in support of a common effort or goal. That goal can be everything from converting a key prospect or creating awesome video content that can bolster your brand equity. 

Whether you run a very small startup or are a sales professional in a much larger organization, I encourage you to embrace HubSpot’s hugs. They let you more easily collaborate with others and make it much more likely that you reach your sales or marketing goals. HubSpot pioneered this idea of smarketing (sales and marketing) and is laser-focused on helping sales and marketing professionals accomplish their goals. We share the same mission at Dubb which is why we are so excited about our partnership with HubSpot. By embracing the hug mentality espoused by HubSpot and linking it with the power of video, you can accelerate the future course of your organization. 

A Great Addition to the Overall Ecosystem

HubSpot has done an amazing job of getting its users together through the hug program. It is just one accomplishment in a series of accomplishments for the company. HubSpot has an outstanding track record of helping sales and marketing professionals leverage the power of technology to reach their goals. 

One of the amazing things that HubSpot has gotten right is its understanding that a CRM is more than just a data tool. It is a relationship. The entire team at HubSpot has done a wonderful job in building out their marketplace and creating an ecosystem so people can both find what they are looking for and flourish once they have found it. 

The HubSpot marketplace is extremely powerful. It can help you figure out ways to optimize your entire HubSpot experience. For instance, you can find ways to better manage email marketing, optimize your conversion rates, and add video to your entire process. This last benefit, as you can guess, is our favorite. I encourage you to visit the HubSpot Marketplace (which you can do by clicking here) and search for Dubb. The Dubb HubSpot extension will let you integrate videos into your one-to-one emails and your campaign emails. By doing this, you can skyrocket your conversion rates.

The great thing about using video with the integration with HubSpot is that video tells a story. This is critical because sales is all about storytelling. HubSpot was extremely quick to realize that video is a huge asset when you are looking to connect with any type of audience. Sure, this can be current clients and prospects, but it can even be prospective employees and other individuals in your sector or industry. 

Ultimately, Dubb and HubSpot can work together and create the ultimate conversion environment. Using both, you can send out video content that is actionable. For instance, using Dubb, you can include all different types of call to action buttons that can lead your viewers to do different things. Along with plenty of call to action options, Dubb offers plenty of tracking and analytics. For every video you create, you can see how many people watched your video and whether certain viewers watched your video. You can even see if they clicked on any of your call to action buttons or whether they watched only a specific percentage of your video. From there, you can take smart actions to communicate with those viewers. Those smart actions could come in the form of smart calls, smart emails, and smart follow-up videos. 

So what is the point here? Dubb and HubSpot work seamlessly together. As a sales professional, you can access an environment where you have the best chance of success. From there, it all comes down to execution. 

Leveraging Inbound Marketing

Now, one thing that we have learned by using HubSpot is how important it is to create content that attracts an audience through inbound marketing. It is that fundamental mindset shift of pulling our clients instead of pushing toward them. 

You probably already know that video has become the most powerful medium to accomplish this goal. The visual impact on a relationship is amazing. This is especially true in the early stages of the relationship. As humans, we are inherently visual beings. When somebody sees something in a visual format, they process that visual 60,000 times faster than they would process text. Ultimately, we have seen data on our end suggesting that videos can increase conversions from anywhere from 30% to 300%.

There is also another key benefit of communicating with your audience through video. Most of the time, people don’t have the time to read text. While I’m definitely glad that you are reading this post, you probably don’t have infinite time to read as many blog posts, eBooks, or physical books as you’d like. After all, life is incredibly easy. Not only do we need to take care of our responsibilities at work, but we are probably juggling one million things at home. Video is a way for us to more efficiently consume content and create content. It essentially gives you a cheat code to get more things done.

Ultimately, video is an active and passive medium. It allows people to visually learn and get inspired to take action. Using Dubb and HubSpot, you will quickly see that the action comes from leveraging different types of calls to action. Like I mentioned above, calls to action can lead your viewers to do different things. They are especially powerful when used with videos. Once people watch your videos, they are going to want to take another step. They are going to want to advance the relationship, and you can make it much easier for them by including call to action buttons below your video. 

When you are using Dubb, you can take advantage of all kinds of calls to action. They include the following:

Book an appointment on your calendar: This is a really powerful call to action for prospects who are at the top of your sales funnel. Once a prospect watches your video, they can easily advance the relationship by booking an appointment on your calendar. Dubb has plenty of integrations with some of the most popular calendar services, including Calendly and Book Like a Boss. 

Reply with video: This is one of our favorite calls to action. With the reply with video call to action, you make it extremely easy for your viewer to reply to your video with a video of their own. For starters, this is much easier for your viewer than opening up their email account and typing out a lengthy email response. But beyond that, the reply with video call to action helps you gather video testimonials. Video testimonials are so powerful because they let you leverage social proof. They show new prospects that others have gotten immense value from your product, service, or company. This makes it much more likely that your new prospects trust you and make a purchase. 

Download a white paper or eBook: In some circumstances, you may have created an outstanding piece of content for your audience. This can be everything from an eBook to a white paper about your product or service. Using Dubb, you can create a call to action button that is connected to that digital product. Once your viewer finishes watching your video, he or she can click on the button and learn much more about your product, service, or company. 

Fill out a form: Sometimes, your viewer is coming across your company for the first time. It may be a result of your inbound marketing work or from a satisfied customer referring another person to your business. In that case, you can leave an option for the viewer to complete some fields in a form. This can be everything from their name to the problems that they are facing in their business. Just make sure, however, to not include too many fields in your form. The more fields you include, the more likely it is that your viewer won’t complete the form. 

Follow a link: Finally, you can use a Dubb call to action button to have your viewer follow a link. This can be any type of link. For instance, you can include a link to a specific page on your website, a link to your Yelp reviews, and even a link to a purchase page. Ultimately, the choice is yours. 

These are just some of the call to action options that you can leverage with Dubb and HubSpot. The great news is that there is so much flexibility here. Whatever call to action that you need, you will probably find it on Dubb. 

Dubb CTA

Taking Advantage of Scale

As sophisticated sales and marketing professionals, one of the things that we always think about is scale. HubSpot has done a tremendous job in helping you access scale in your HubSpot video campaigns. 

Now, just imagine the ability to add video to your email campaigns. You can easily do so with Dubb. 

To be clear: I’m not talking about embedding a video into your actual email. That really isn’t possible. Instead, what we are talking about here is adding an animated GIF with a trackable link to your email message. Dubb automatically creates an animated GIF from three seconds of your video. Displaying the GIF in the body of the email, the recipient can get a preview of what is included in the video. And if they want to watch the video? All they need to do is click on the animated GIF.

Once they do this, the viewer will see a video landing page. This Dubb video landing page is automatically generated for every video that you upload to or create on Dubb. Ultimately, this is where all of the action happens. As you will see on a Dubb video landing page, you get your video at the top of the page. Right below that video are your call to action buttons (which we talked about above). Below your call to action buttons are any integrations that you want to include (more on that in a moment). 

Better yet, by becoming a paid Dubb user, you can customize the look of your Dubb video landing pages. You can include your custom fonts, colors, and logos. Better yet, once you create a landing page template, Dubb can automatically include that template for each of your Dubb videos. This can save a tremendous amount of time and can ensure that you are providing the same branding experience to all of your viewers. 

Actionable and Trackable

Obviously, when you are trying to make connections in a sales environment, content is important. However, how you make that connection with the content and what kind of content it is just as important. It may even be the most important thing that you consider. 

One of the biggest ways that you can build an impactful connection is to use video. But as I mentioned above, you don’t just want any sort of video. You want video content that is actionable and trackable. This is the best way to get something done in your sales cycle, whether you are working on prospecting, following up with a prospect, nurturing a prospect, communicating with current clients, sending newsletters, or whatever else you need to make impactful connections. 

The actionable and trackable parts of video content creation are essential. Once somebody sees your video, they need to be able to take action and you need to be able to track those actions. 

Relationships are built on trust. In sales, trust is the bedrock for any type of long-term relationship. At Dubb, we always say that “it is not a sale closed; it is a relationship opened.” HubSpot has this same view. They are heavily invested in the relationship angle of their business. They recognize that when you enter into a relationship, it is an extremely meaningful thing. 

At the end of the day, sales and marketing professionals like us want our audiences to take action. That is what it’s all about. Whether you want the prospect to call you, text you, complete a form, check out a website, or something else, you should absolutely keep this action in mind as you are creating your video content. HubSpot has expended significant effort in its ecosystem where it is all about making that connection and ensuring that action is taken once that connection is made. 

Now, one of the most powerful aspects of adding the Dubb HubSpot extension to your HubSpot account is that it lets your entire HubSpot account leverage the power of video. This doesn’t just mean embedding a video on a landing page. Rather, you can create a video with a video landing page and specific calls to action. You can then add this potent cocktail to your one-to-one emails and to your campaign emails. 

Think about that for one second: right now, you are probably sending emails to individuals and through campaigns. Chances are, however, that you are likely only using text. This means that you are missing out on the biggest opportunity in the sales and marketing industry (which is video). 

When people watch a video, they make a connection with the person on the other end of the screen. Now, with this extension, you can add video to all of your emails. 

It gets better. I touched on this idea above, but I think it is important to emphasize when you are using both HubSpot and Dubb to reach out to your prospects. Reporting and data are absolutely vital in building strong business relationships and increasing your conversion rates. 

Chances are that one of the features on HubSpot that you absolutely love is customer journey tracking. Essentially, it gives you the ability to view what the person has done on their journey. For instance, it lets you see whether they have visited a landing page, whether they clicked on something or filled out a form, or something else. Now, with Dubb’s HubSpot extension, you can see if they are actually engaging with your videos. Like I mentioned above, you can even see the percentage of a particular video that they watched. 

There are two things that are extremely powerful about this. First, you can create smart reporting to determine where people are in their customer journey. Secondly, you can create follow-up actions. These are what we call smart workflows. This is the ability to create automated messages and workflows based on the recipient’s total engagement. Now, if you email a video to a prospect and they watch the entire video or click on a call to action button, you can automatically trigger another video to be sent via email or SMS message. 

To get a conversion, you need six to 12 touch points. If you can incorporate video into those touch points and add automation, you are living the smarketing dream. 

Moving Forward with HubSpot Videos and Dubb

A HubSpot video can be a fantastic addition to your sales and marketing work. Whether you are trying to start a conversation with a new prospect or want to convert a prospect into a paying customer, you can do so with both HubSpot and Dubb. HubSpot’s emphasis on hugs shows its commitment to helping its users better collaborate and help them accomplish their sales goals. We feel the same way at Dubb. From the solopreneur to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, we are here to help everyone reach (and surpass) their sales and marketing goals. 

To install the Dubb HubSpot extension, all you need to do is visit the HubSpot Marketplace and search for Dubb. There, you can quickly add the extension (all within 30 seconds). If you need more support, you can visit There, we have support articles, installation and demo videos, and more. By looking at these resources, you’ll be in an excellent position to add videos to your HubSpot account and maximize your conversions. 

You can also start a hug by going to There, you can learn more about making a HubSpot video and HubSpot’s hug program. It is a ton of fun and I’m sure that you will get some value from it. Enjoy!

A graphic of Dubb integrations

At Dubb, we love thinking about and discussing ideas like the power of a HubSpot video and how it can help you reach your sales and marketing goals. If you have any questions about ideas or concepts discussed in this post, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can also click here to learn more about Dubb and click here for a free 14-day trial of our premium plans.