As an online business owner, you need to know how your users interact with your web app, landing page, website, or online shop.

Can users complete their tasks efficiently? Is there friction in your sales or marketing funnel? Do certain features get more attention than others? You should get answers to these questions to improve your product performance.

To evaluate your current situation and gather customer behavior data quickly, you can start using UX analytics tools and conduct customer experience analysis to improve your product performance.

FullStory and LogRocket are popular services offering insights into user behavior on your website. They help you understand the user experience and troubleshoot issues, but they also have some weaknesses. For instance, LogRocket doesn’t provide interactive heatmaps, while FullStory doesn’t let you analyze dynamic web elements.

For this reason, users are motivated to search for other alternatives.

In this FullStory vs LogRocket comparison article, we’ll explore the features of these analytics solutions and highlight their differences. We’ll also show how you can use FullSession, our web analytics solution, as an excellent alternative to these tools.

FullSession helps you understand the reasons behind user actions via session recording and replay tools, website heatmap tools, and customer feedback tools. You can sign up for a 14-day free trial to learn how our software helps you gather user behavior analytics data you can use to improve your web app, landing page, or website.

Let’s begin this in-depth comparison article by defining LogRocket, FullStory, and FullSession.

What is LogRocket?


Image source: G2

LogRocket is a product analytics software that helps you understand how users interact with your website and web-based apps so that you can identify customer pain points, usability issues, and bugs affecting the user experience.

What is FullStory?


LogRocket vs FullStory: How they compare and contrast

LogRocket shares some similarities with FullStory. However, you can still do some things with LogRocket that you can’t do with FullStory and vice-versa. In this section, we’ll evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, so you can learn the best case scenario for using each of these tools.

LogRocket vs FullStory: Basic differences

LogRocket and FullStory have significant differences; here are some of them.

  • The LogRocket platform focuses on helping engineering and product teams to fix front-end issues, identify bugs in web codes and drive product engagement. FullStory is designed for e-commerce businesses, product teams, and UX and research teams to help them identify friction points and increase conversion rates.
  • LogRocket combines its session replay tool with performance monitoring so you can quickly spot glitches before they can ruin the user experience. FullStory helps you provide immediate customer support and allows you to link customer complaints to user sessions.
  • If you want to focus on the technical side of your product, such as bug tracking, error tracking, and management, then LogRocket might be a good option. FullStory may be more applicable if you focus on providing support to individual users and improving the user experience.

Now that we’ve introduced LogRocket and FullStory and highlighted their differences. Let’s go further into their user rating, use cases, pricing, integrations, and features.

LogRocket vs FullStory: User rating

To learn what users think about LogRocket and FullStory, we checked both software on G2. LogRockets scores 4.7 out 5 based on 512 user reviews, while FullStory scores 4.5 out 5 based on 207 user reviews.

LogRocket vs FullStory: Use cases

LogRocket provides complete visibility into customers’ digital activity to user experience engineers, support agents, product managers, and product designers.

Business leaders, user experience and research teams, IT and support teams, product management, and e-commerce teams can use FullStory to capture user behavioral data and speed up their workflow.

LogRocket vs FullStory: Deployment

You can deploy both LogRocket and FullStory the same way. You can start tracking user behavioral data by inserting a single line of code into your website’s source code.

LogRocket vs FullStory: Features

While LogRocket and FullStory provide analytics tools to help you analyze customer experience data, their features have some differences.

In this section, we’ll explore the features both tools share and the ones that make them unique.

Session replays

LogRocket and FullStory provide the session replay feature but differ in some cases. For instance, LogRocket combines network requests, custom logs, and stack traces with session replay to help you see the issues ruining the user experience and your site’s performance. With this advanced functionality, you’ll not just see a bug on your website but also understand why it happened.

FullStory, on the other hand, focuses on helping you provide immediate customer support with its session replay feature. You can link customer complaints to a session replay. When a customer submits a ticket regarding an issue, your support team can watch a replay to see what the user did before sending the ticket.

Heat maps

Another feature that LogRocket and FullStory provide is the heat map. This engagement map lets you visualize how users interact with your web elements, including their scroll patterns, the pages they give the most attention to, and what they choose to ignore.

With the LogRocket heatmap feature, you can create a conversion rate heatmap to help you visualize the exact user flow that will most likely lead to a conversion. You can also include the specific page you want to track within the LogRocket metrics tab.

FullStory also uses heatmap to help you visualize the best performing web pages and understand how customers behave when navigating your site. With the FullStory heat map, you can use scroll maps to see how far a user scrolls on your web pages. This web analytic tool also offers click maps to help you to see where users click on your website.

Product analytics

The final feature LogRocket and FullStory offer is product analysis. This feature helps you to optimize your product for increased conversions and sales.

LogRocket makes it easy to track key performance indicators (KPIs) like sessions, retention rates, bounce rates, and time on site. You can also use LogRocket’s conversion tools to track customer purchases and form submissions on your website or in native apps.

It also helps you create visual reports and detect user trends. You can segment sessions with multiple filters, create custom metrics, and see why your conversions decrease with revenue and funnel analytics.

FullStory allows you to quantify the customer experience for better product usage. For instance, you can automatically capture and filter visitors and sessions based on specific user events, from pageviews to signups to purchases.

LogRocket vs FullStory: Languages

Both LogRocket and FullStory offer web analytics services in the English language.

LogRocket vs FullStory: Integrations

LogRocket integrates with many third-party platforms, such as Zendesk, Jira, Intercom, Datadog, Pendo, Sentry, and Stack pile.

FullStory offers over 50 integrations with popular tools like SalesForce, Segment, Slack, Google Analytics, Intercom, and more.

LogRocket vs FullStory: Support

You can contact the LogRocket support agents via live chat, phone, and email. You can also read some docs on their knowledge base because it might contain some answers you need.

As for FullStory, you can contact its support team via chat or email or check out their knowledge base to find some helpful resources.

LogRocket vs FullStory: Pricing

LogRocket pricing can alter significantly based on your needs. It offers one free and three premium plans: Team, Professional, and Enterprise. Here are more details on each plan:

  • Free plan – costs $0 and allows you to track 1000 sessions/month
  • Team plan – starts at $99/month, and you can test it with a 14-day free trial. It includes up to 10,000 sessions/month
  • Professional plan – starts at $500/month and allows you to track up to 25,000 sessions/month
  • Enterprise plan – has custom pricing and allows you to track any number of sessions

FullStory doesn’t provide a transparent pricing structure on its website. Still, it mentions some basic details about its plans:

  • A free-forever plan has limited features and allows you to record 1,000 sessions/month
  • When you sign up for a free trial, you can test the Business edition for 14 days and record up to 5000 sessions
  • The Business edition offers access to a demo version you can explore
  • If you’re interested in the enterprise version, you can contact a sales representative

Although FullStory doesn’t reveal its pricing plans on its website, user reviews have shown that FullStory is more expensive than LogRocket. Either way, both tools have a free plan that lets you test all features before you decide which one to use.

In the next section, we’ll explain our FullSession and its features and show how to use it as an alternative to FullStory and LogRocket.

What is FullSession?


FullSession, our user experience analytics software, helps businesses analyze user behavior and uncover hidden customer struggles, website bugs, Javascript errors, and more. With this insight, you can fix your website, web app, or landing page issues and optimize them to increase performance and improve usability.

FullSession is primarily designed for digital marketers, product managers, and developers. Our tool is also popular in the e-commerce industry.

While our analytics software shares similar features with LogRocket and FullStory, it has some traits that make it stand out.

In the next section, we’ll highlight these traits and explain the features of FullSession and how you can use them to achieve your product goals. To evaluate FullSession while reading, start your free trial now.

What features does FullSession provide?

FullSession provides user behavioral analytics tools that provide actionable insights into your site’s performance and how customers engage with various web elements.

With FullSession features, you can identify web content with the highest customer activity, spot user trends, and make changes to improve the customer experience.

Let’s explore each feature.

  • Session recordings and replays to monitor user behavior
fullsession session recording

A session recording is a time-stamped record of the activities occurring during a user session. You will get an unbiased look at how people use your site with session recordings and replays.

You can use this feature for many purposes, such as

  • Capturing user actions
  • Tracking website visitor behavior and engagement
  • Analyzing usage patterns
  • Tracking how many users visit your site
  • Tracking what pages they visit
  • Monitoring how long they spend on each page
  • Identifying usability issues, broken links, or missing content
  • Tracking the effectiveness of specific marketing campaigns

Session recordings and replays help you understand the most popular parts of your site, where you should focus your efforts, and prioritize your time and resources.

fullsession session recording tool

Apart from that, our session recording and replay provide you with user sessions data like

  • User location and IP address
  • The URL user visited
  • Referrals
  • Average time on page
  • Total active time on page
  • Session list
  • Session event

Additionally, with our skip inactivity feature, you don’t have to spend endless hours watching user sessions with little activity. You can focus on user events with the most value.

2. Interactive heatmaps to watch how users interact with your website

fullsession heatmaps

Session recordings are great to see what users do on your site, but how do you identify the web pages with the highest engagement? It is where our interactive heatmaps come in.

Our heatmap tool visually represents how visitors engage with your website’s elements. You can see which products, headers, buttons, form fields, call-to-actions, blog posts, and website text are most engaging.

Even more, the heatmap feature helps you analyze the scroll depth of your web pages via scroll maps and see the areas users click via click maps. You can examine the mouse movement map to see how visitors behave on your pages.

This way, you can use our heatmaps as an early warning system for potential problems, such as navigation issues or low engagement data, to improve your website and increase sales.

fullsession heatmaps data

You can also use FullSession interactive heatmaps to filter user events. You can:

  • Preview the heatmap on different devices
  • See the URL the user visited
  • See the number of total views and total clicks
  • Watch error clicks
  • Track rage clicks
  • Monitor dead clicks
  • See the average load time on page
  • See the average time on page
  • Track the number of users that visited the page

Click map example

fullsession click map

Mouse movement map example

fullsession mouse movement map

Scroll map example

fullsession scroll map

3. Advanced analytics

fullsession advanced analytics

FullSession provides an advanced analytics dashboard that gives you a comprehensive overview of the overall users’ actions. Here are the main categories you’ll find in our analytics dashboard:

  • Session playlist
  • Top users
  • Segment health
  • Key pages
  • User trends
  • Feedback trends
  • Device breakdown
  • Browser breakdown
  • User feedback trends
  • Top referrers
  • Screen resolution breakdown
  • Error clicks and rage clicks

With this feature, you can quickly spot user trends, customer issues, and conversion blockers and evaluate customers’ entire browsing sessions.

4. Customer feedback widget to get user feedback

fullsession customer feedback report

The website feedback form lets you to better understand users’ actions by collecting real-time feedback about their digital experiences and thoughts on your site’s functionality.

You can use this feature to collect user feedback to understand why users behave the way they do.

We also provide a customer feedback report to help you analyze the feedback you collect using several categories. For example, you can see the user details like email address, country, the comments they submitted, their device type, the feedback date, and the URL they visited.

Customer feedback is directly connected to a session recording, so you can replay the session and understand what happened if the customer has left negative feedback.

fullsession session details

5. Advanced segmentation and filtering options

fullsession advanced filtering options

Advanced segmentation and filtering options let you create specific user segments to filter important user events and identify sessions that raise an eyebrow.

6. Notes with sharing feature (The feature won’t be built)

7. Conversion tracking

Conversions are suitable for measuring whether your website provides a good user experience. Our analytics tool enables you to track conversion data, like the average number of users and the time to convert, so that you can evaluate the performance of your product and optimize your strategy.

What makes FullSession stand out?

Despite some similarities with LogRocket and FullStory, FullSession stands out from these solutions, because of many traits. Let’s dive into each of them.

  • Our advanced segmentation and filtering options allow you to create unique user segments and quickly locate specific user events that pique your interest to provide a better customer experience.
  • FullSession offers advanced analytics tools to track and analyze visitor behavior so you easily identify funnel drop-offs and make changes to solve them.
  • FullSession helps you understand how user actions impact conversions and funnels.
  • With FullSession, you can visualize how web visitors and users engage with dynamic web elements like drop-down menus, form fields, page headers, CTA buttons, and more, so you can optimize your site for better performance.

So far we’ve highlighted ths significant traits that make FullSession stand out. In the next section, we’ll explain why FullSession is a great tool for tracking visitor behavior and user events.

Four reasons to use FullSession

Here are four primary reasons to use FullSession for your web analytics needs:

  • FullSession allows you to track and analyze user experience data without slowing down your website.
  • Our user behavioral analytics software is well-priced, and we offer a 14-day free trial for user session capture and evaluating behavioral reports.
  • FullSession is easy to deploy and use. You don’t need advanced technical knowledge to conduct user experience analysis.
  • With FullSession, you can quickly identify areas where users experience setbacks as they navigate your site.

Let’s briefly summarize each solution’s essential features, similarities, and differences.

LogRocket vs FullStory vs FullSession: A summary

The table below summarizes the significant features of LogRocket, FullStory and FullSession. We’ve covered up to this point so that you can get a quick grasp of their differences.





Real-time session recording




Funnel analysis


Customer segmentation




Customer journey mapping



Conversion tracking




Interactive heatmaps


Surveys and customer feedback




Customer support




Analysis of dynamic elements


Free trial




Free version



LogRocket vs FullStory: Final words

LogRocket and FullStory can help you track and fix technical errors in your website. The main difference between the two platforms is that FullStory is designed for e-commerce businesses, product teams, US, and research teams to help them identify the friction points and increase conversion levels.

Logrocket is a good option for engineers, developers and IT geeks. It has a typical exception tracking tools that help technical teams to uncover website bugs and evaluate code quality and performance bottlenecks. Ultimately it’s up to you to decide the right tool that suits your analytics needs.

Want to know more about other tools that can help you conduct web analysis? Feel free to read our unbiased review on FullStory competitors. You can also check our our comparison on Hotjar vs FullStory. If you want to evaluate additional tools, read our Hotjar alternatives or Hotjar vs Mixpanel articles.

FullSession, our digital experience analytics software, allows you to go beyond quantitative data and visualize how users behave when browsing your site. It records full user sessions and helps you find minor usability issues before they evolve into complex ones.

Our tool is easy to use and offers real-time session replay tools, interactive heatmaps, and feedback widgets so that you can analyze customer events and improve the user experience.

Try FullSession for free

We offer a 14-day free trial. You can sign up today and use the trial to test our features and analyze user behavioral data. You can also request a demo to get further information.

LogRocket vs FullStory: FAQ

Here are some answers that will throw more light on LogRocker and FullStory.

What is LogRocket used for?

LogRocket combines session replay with performance and product analytics tools to help you analyze user behavior across your sites and mobiles app.

Is LogRocket GDPR compliant?

It supports the privacy of users and customer. LogRocker is GDPR compliant with the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks.

Is LogRocket secure?

Yes, LogRocket is secure. It provides a safe way to perform web analysis without transmitting sensitive data like card numbers.

How do you integrate LogRocket?

You can integrate LogRocket by copying its code and installing it on the pages you want to track.

What is a FullStory session?

A FullStory session includes every activity a user performs on your site within 30 minutes.

What can you do with FullStory?

FullStory lets you visualize web visitors and customer events via session replay, heatmaps, and funnel analytics to spot conversion blockers and improve your site’s performance.

How do I integrate FullStory into my website?

You can integrate FullStory by inserting its code snippet into your site’s source code.

Will FullStory slow down my site?

No, FullStory won’t slow down your site. Lets you perform UX analysis without affecting your site’s performance.

How much does FullStory cost?

FullStory doesn’t reveal pricing plans on it’s website, so you’d have to contact the sales team for pricing information.


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