Our philosophy here at Net-Results is that marketing automation should be about two things:

  1. Identifying prospects whose timing is changing to your advantage.
  2. Building relationships with prospects whose timing is yet to change.

The first of these two is all about sales engagement. But really, it’s about timing.

Imagine you’ve been talking to a prospect.

Then, out of nowhere, they go dark. Why? It could be any number of reasons. No budget. Changing priorities. Whatever it is, we can state that their timing wasn’t right.

Now imagine 6 months later, they do have a budget. They get the green light from management. In other words, their timing changes.

How will you know?

That prospect, if in your database, will be tracked by your marketing automation tool. And if you set your marketing automation platform (MAP) up correctly, it will tell you:

  1. When a prospect is visiting your website (and which pages!)
  2. Opens an email or clicks a link.
  3. If a prospect downloads content.

Our sales team at Net-Results has alerts set up. Once a prospect they’ve been talking visits the website, they get an alert.

That’s a real tangible way of getting sales engaged with warm prospects.

If you’d like to read more about practical ways of using marketing automation, check out this whitepaper.

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