SEO Tips for A Recently Launched SaaS Website

One of the first things that a new SaaS website must consist of when it comes to online presence, should be search engine optimization. SEO will be very helpful for powering your digital marketing strategy once you cover all the basics of SaaS. It will help you progressively grow as a SaaS website and will help in the future growth of your software as well. 

Not only this but it will also help your new brand to stand out among all and make an impressive first impression on Google. Every healthy team loves progressive growth hence, it increases the motivation of the team to work better and create exceptional content for the website as well. 

To make it easier for people without an SEO background, we’ve outlined below a few of the most basic and simple tips that also require almost no or very nominal investment. 

1. Do your Keyword Research

Dealing with SEO, it all depends upon the keyword that your user is going to type or voice search on their search engine. It is very important to know what your customer demands and is looking for so that you get able to create appropriate pages for the queries.

One of the very common mistakes that many new brands make is to create a very small website that sometimes has one page only, which can be a very unhealthy practice for a new website. Postponing the development of fresh content for years can negatively affect the website’s growth. 

Lack of fresh content can make your brand depend upon paid marketing channels which can also be expensive and unaffordable after some time. Moreover, the best part is that SaaS companies that do content marketing can achieve a 30% higher growth rate. 

The best way for all the new brands or starters is to use trial versions of tools like KWFinder, Ubbersugest, SEMRush to find out those keywords that are the most famous or used. For the next step, you better start brainstorming to construct a couple of main phrases to describe your product in the best possible way. 

You can add the core features and all the major pain points that it can resolve for the customers. It is great if you have a buyer’s Persona because it will help you enough in getting new ideas, however, if you don’t have one then it will be very beneficial to construct it so that you can be clear about your target audience.

Once you have made the list of main phrases you can run this list on the tool to check the intensity of search demand online. Moreover, it will allow you to expand your list with the relevant suggestions that can be found out with the related queries through the tool.

Other than availing the trial version of keyword research tools you can also try this hack for free keyword research where you can make a couple of incognito Google searches and find out the automatic suggestions that Google provides you.

These suggestions can be very useful for you as they are mostly related to your query. Moreover, there is a high chance that these suggestions have a high amount of searches as well. Most probably, you will be changing your initial list once you review all the data through all of these tools and hacks. 

Most of the time, people tend to get better ideas after these steps. 

2. Study your Competitors and Observe New Ideas  

Most of the search tools out there make it easier for you to keep a good check on your competitors. These keyword research tools allow you to find out all the search queries your opponents are ranking for. What a relief that you don’t have to study it on a separate basis. This opportunity is very productive and beneficial when it comes to the expansion of your initially made keyword lists.

Don’t forget, the longer the keyword list, the better you know what your customer is searching for. You can also get better ideas for the structural improvement of your website and the addition of pages. You can wander on a couple of websites to know better about additional pages and then review all the pages and the topics that you have found out. 

This can also provide you insights into most of the key aspects for example structure, length, and images. Another benefit of using free trials of these keyword research tools is that it can find you out the search demand of your competitor brand. This will help you a lot if you’ve just stepped into a very competitive market. 

If you create pages that have head-to-head comparisons with your competitors discriminating how your brand is a better option, you can grab potential customers from the top players of your field as well. An effective way to get your brand exposed to those customers that are looking for similar products as of the big brands is to target queries like *competitor brand + alternative*. 

The two most important things that you need to keep a check on are your business rivals and those brands that are ranking high for the top queries or you can call them your SEO rivals. There’s a difference between both of them and you must make sure that you don’t miss out on each of these to compete better in the market. 

3. Construct a Roadmap for Content Creation

Content marketing is one of the strategies that is going to make your brand amazing both for the search engines and users as well. You can use the keyword list that you have made earlier to create rich and progressive content for multiple pages. Make sure that you have a spontaneous and strong design and visuals for the pages. You must keep your brand style, brand voice, and certain colors consistent.

It would be a great idea to put long-form content on the natural starting point of the website that is the home page. You must always pay extra attention to your “About Us” section. Adding information about your team and its efforts, accomplishments, and company motives can help you grow better. 

To get the concept of the E-A-T signal right so that you can become more trustworthy, make sure that you always include authors on your published blog posts. You must also showcase media coverage for your tasks. Moreover, linking to the different official social media accounts like Instagram and Facebook will also help you to become more trustworthy for your customers.

Pro Tip: Besides developing a content creation strategy, make a “content freshness plan” to execute 8-12 months down the line. This plan is all about revisiting your old posts and updating them to reflect the latest developments and trends. There might be features that are no longer applicable to your industry, and some that you didn’t mention at that time – the changes would help get your content up-to-date with the newest happenings. Don’t be surprised if this brings a significant boost in your SEO traffic; search engines love sites that take the time to update their content.

4. Try to Cover all Technical Basics

You don’t need to worry about covering all the technical aspects of SEO if you are not a developer because it is very simple. Moreover, the majority of these SaaS websites are having SEO-friendly content management systems making SEO considerably easier. However, to cover up all the technical basics of SEO, you will have to follow these steps: 

  • Hire a developer that gets you a score higher than 80 on the Google Lighthouse pagespeed tool.
  • Make sure you focus on your website accessibility so your site is ADA website compliant.
  • The developer must make sure that solely a single version of the website is indelible. So either it’s a URL with or without www.
  • Make sure there are no 404 pages on your website. These are bad for user experience and signal that you’re still undone with the building phase of your online presence. Besides, any broken pages should be 301 redirected to new or updated ones.
  • Check the HTML structure of your pages to make sure it’s right. It should be in a way that the title of every page is an <h1>, however, the subtitles should be <h2>.
  • Take steps to speed up your website. Minify the images you use and use a minimalist theme regardless of the CMS you’re working with. Of course, WordPress has more themes, so it’ll be easier to find something that’s lightweight and doesn’t put a strain on the loading time of your site. 


These tips for your recently launched SaaS will assist you to establish a constructive and healthy initial setup for your newly launched product. Keep in mind that search engine optimization might take a long time to start showing the results, however, it provides sustainable impacts in the long run for organic growth.